Wear your pajamas to school this
Friday, April 12th to support our Book Drive
(Suggested donation of $1 to purchase books)
Our goal is to deliver 500 books to Filling In The Blanks by June.
These books will be part of a 2019 Holiday Backpack for the children they feed throughout the year.
If we accomplish our goal, all Rowayton students will have a special dance party to celebrate!
There are two ways to donate:
· Visit www.fillingintheblanks.org and click the AMAZON button 📷 at the top of the homepage. Books purchased via this Wishlist will be shipped directly to Filling In The Blanks.
· Bring new children’s books to school and drop them off in the pink box located in the main office.
Filling in the Blanks ("FITB"), is a non-profit organization founded in 2013 that fights childhood hunger by providing children in need with meals on the weekends. Based in Norwalk CT, FITB delivers weekend meals to over 1,500 children at 27 schools and 10 summer camps in Fairfield and Westchester Counties. For many of these children their last good meal is school provided lunch on Friday and their next meal might not be until breakfast at school on Monday. FITB strives to end childhood hunger by providing a food secure environment over the weekends.
If you have any questions please contact Michele Casey mjbbcasey@gmail.com