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Co-President - Meg Schwanhausser

Co-President - Kelly Bloom

Co-Vice President - Leah Brown

Co-Vice President - OPEN

Co-Secretary - Emily Glod

Co-Secretary - Amanda Hahn

Head-Treasurer - Dan Duchene

Co-Treasurer - Nate Slutzky

Co-Treasurer - Lorin Dunphy

Communications - Meg Schwanhausser

Fundraising & Events Chair - Kimmi DeKlyn

PTOC Representative - Lisa Johnson​


2024-2025 BOARD

​Volunteer Coordinator - Torey Saager

Volunteer Coordinator - Danielle Becraft

Room Parent Liasion - Emily Gambir

Social Media/Marketing - Jane Seymour

School Carnival Co-Chair - Liz Slutzky

School Carnival Co-Chair - OPEN

School Fundraiser Co-Chair - Ally Sylvestri

School Fundraiser Co-Chair - Leah Brown

Walk-A-Thon/ Dance-A-Thon Co-Chair - Kiki Egli

Walk-A-Thon/ Dance-A-Thon Co-Chair - Nadya Bhattiprolu

Book Fair Co-Chair - Robyn Kammerer

Book Fair Co-Chair - Jennifer Benitez

Book Fair Co-Chair - Ali Stuart

Corporate Sponsorship - Meg Schwanhausser

Membership Co-Chair - Alli Murphy

Membership Co-Chair - Nadya Bhattiprolu

Enrichment Co-Chair - Sara Ingrassia

Enrichment Co-Chair - Kelly Martin

Learning to Look - Art Program Co-Chair - Sarah Waters

Learning to Look - Art Program Co-Chair - OPEN

Family Resource Committee - Kimmi Deklyn

Garden of Life - Chair - Melissa Gainer

Garden of Life - Chair - Jeanine Wax

Garden of Life - Chair - Rachel Schicitano

Garden of Life - Community Member - Peggy Carlson

Green Team Chair - Kiki Egli

One School, One Book - Program Chair - Sara Ingrassia

One School, One Book - Art/Design - Katie Stuart

One School, One Book - Art/Design - Jaime Lindhal

Picture Day Co-Chair - Jennifer Benitez

Picture Day Co-Chair - Lindsay Galloway

RES Spirit Wear - Elena Phillips

RES Spirit Wear - Gillian Graves

SGC Representative - Ali Stuart

Spanish Translation - Kristin Sherman

Student Wellness Chair - Julie Vincent

Yearbook Co-Chair - Angela Wilson

Yearbook Co-Chair - Brent Arnold

Yearbook Co-Chair - Jane Seymour

Fifth Grade Coordinator - OPEN

Fifth Grade Coordinator - OPEN

Fifth Grade Coordinator - OPEN

The Rowayton Elementary School PTA is a volunteer based organization, brought together to enrich the lives of our teachers and students. The purpose of the PTA is to:


a. Promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship


b.Raise the standards of home life


c. Secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth


d. Bring into closer relation, the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth


e. Develop between educators and the general public, such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social,

and spiritual education


Read our full bi-laws below!

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