The Garden of Life was established in 2010 in memory of Eliza Oliver, a beloved teacher at Rowayton School. The Garden of Life is also part of the Norwalk Grows School Garden Program. Volunteers for the installation of the garden were provided by our Norwalk Grows corporate partner, Pepperidge Farm.
Students visit the garden throughout the year, planting and nurturing the vegetables and eventually harvesting and eating the vegetables they have grown. It is truly a special experience to see the excitement on a child’s face as they are eating a vegetable that they may have never tried before or that they grew and picked themselves right from the school garden.

One of our goals is for students to learn the importance of knowing where their food comes from, the value associated with growing their own food and the long term nutritional benefits of eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Another goal for the upcoming school year is to make sure the garden is utilized more consistently as an outdoor classroom setting, where garden-based activities become integrated into the core curriculum. This will be an exciting time for the garden at our school and the possibilities for learning are endless!
Ms. Oliver was a wonderful teacher who valued experiential learning and garden activities for the students. It is our hope that all of the students at Rowayton School will benefit from their time in the Garden of Life and share in the enthusiasm for learning that will ultimately pay the best tribute to Ms. Oliver’s memory. For more information email us HERE.